Saturday 21 November 2015

Universal Clock

Like calendar even entire universe is divided into time period but the difference is  the universal clock is different for all of us

Every one of us is running a clock from the time of birth which was set when we were born

its also called

maha dasha >> antar dasha >> prati antar dasha

Maha dashas is a long term clock system

ket 18 years

ven 20 years

sun 6 years

moon 10 years

mar  7 years

Rahu 18 years

Jup 16 years

sat 19 years

mer 17 years

Antar dasha is the comparatively smaller period of which controls day to day events like work atmosphere or day to day things.

Pratiantar dasha even smaller minute time which indicates the prediction of a day to day activities.

Our souls are immortal but our period of life cycle keeps changing which causes different life events

The soul is eternal and even after finishing human cycle it goes back to the omnipotent and continues journey there.

Love Light & Blessings

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