Saturday 21 November 2015

Astrology and Gemstones

Different gemstones signify different planets in astrology

let us say for example in an individuals chart some planet is not well placed so we have to find a way to face the ill effects caused

now in practical life planet won't come and do any harm to us but it will bring the certain situation in life which might be hard for us to tackle in a given moment.

so that feels like an ill effect of the planet

but in reality planet has come to give us a challenge and once we pass the challenge then we grow over the problem and become stronger.

so in real life, no planet is causing harm its just giving us challenge in different ways and we slowly grow over it and this is an evolution process of the soul.

Love Light & Blessings !!


planetary position

planet >> in which house number ( 1 to 12 houses)  >> in which Nakshatra ( 1 to 27) >> who is Nakshatra lord (9 planets)  >> which zodiac sign ( 1 to 12)  >> which zodiac sign lord , birth Nakshatra 

weather planet is in friendly sign or Nakshatra lord is friendly results of such condition will be favourable.

maha dasha ( Grand life time period ) >> antar dasha ( sub time period) >> pratiantar dasha ( sub sub time period) universal unique clock as per natives date of birth , time of birth and place of birth )

current planetary position in sky

freewill , karmas ( destiny and accumulation of actions of past life)

blessing and love from parents, siblings, family, friends, teachers, ancestors.

Love Light & Blessings !!

Universal Clock

Like calendar even entire universe is divided into time period but the difference is  the universal clock is different for all of us

Every one of us is running a clock from the time of birth which was set when we were born

its also called

maha dasha >> antar dasha >> prati antar dasha

Maha dashas is a long term clock system

ket 18 years

ven 20 years

sun 6 years

moon 10 years

mar  7 years

Rahu 18 years

Jup 16 years

sat 19 years

mer 17 years

Antar dasha is the comparatively smaller period of which controls day to day events like work atmosphere or day to day things.

Pratiantar dasha even smaller minute time which indicates the prediction of a day to day activities.

Our souls are immortal but our period of life cycle keeps changing which causes different life events

The soul is eternal and even after finishing human cycle it goes back to the omnipotent and continues journey there.

Love Light & Blessings

looking at each other - Aspects


all planets have aspects also called as Drishty in sanskrit

sun - looks at 7th house from itself

moon - looks at 7th house from itself

jup - looks at 5th 7 th 9 th aspect from itself

ven - looks at 7th aspect from itself

mars - looks at 7th house from itself

sat - looks at 7th house from itself

mer - looks at 7th house from itself

rahu - looks at 5th 7 th 9 th aspect from itself

ketu  - looks at 5th 7 th 9 th aspect from itself

love , light & Blessings !!

Current Transit

Current transit - Present Planetary moment

Current transit has a special meaning

like the present is a present from god similarly current transit is the picture of the sky at present from the earth

right now there is a planetary moment in the sky which is affecting overall events on planet earth

hence , current planetary transit in the sky is affecting events in our life

moon changes sign      every 2.5 days

Lagna house changes    every 2.5 hours

the sun changes sign          every 30 days

mercury changes sign   every 27 days

mars changes house sign every 45 days

venus chances house 23 days to a month

sat chances house every 2.5 years ( also retrogrades so can stay in a sign for even longer) ( teaches patience , clears off karmic depths , gives positive results for positive karma and negative results for negative karma )

The Sun travels about 53 seconds per day and spends approximately 30 days in each sign
The Moon goes through all twelve signs about every 28 days. It spends approximately 2 1/2 days in each sign

It takes Mercury approximately one year to go through all of the twelve signs. Mercury can stay in one sign from about 14 to 30 days, depending on its motion

Venus travels from 0 to 1 degree, 16 minutes a day, depending on its motion, and stays in a sign approximately 23 days to a little over 2 months (Every 8 years it returns to the same degree and over time forms the pentagram—see image)

Mars travels from 0 to one degree, 16 minutes per day depending on its motion, and takes about 2 years to go through all 12 signs, staying in one sign for about 1.5 months

It takes Jupiter about 12 years to go through the 12 signs, staying in one sign an average of one year.

Jupiter travels from 0 to 14 minutes a day depending on whether it is retrograde or in direct motion

Saturn travels from 0 to 8 minutes per day depending on its motion and takes approximately 29 1/2 years to go through all twelve signs, staying in one sign for about 2 1/2 years

Uranus travels from 0 to 4 minutes per day, depending on its motion and it moves through all twelve signs of the Zodiac approximately 84 years, staying in one sign about 7 years

Neptune travels from 0 degrees to 3 minutes per day, depending on its motion. It takes Neptune about 165 years to go through all 12 signs, staying in each one for approximately 14 years

Pluto travels from 0 to three minutes a day and takes approximately 248 years to go through all 12 signs, staying in each one from 14 to 30 years

Birth Nakshatra / Constellations

12 Zodiac signs are divided into approximately 30 degrees each and entire zodiac being 360-degree sphere

12 * 3 = 360 degrees

12 signs have are ruled by 7 ( the sun to mercury ) + 2 planets ( Rahu and Ketu )

zodiac    Planet              characteristics  sign

Aries -    mars -             ( red - fire - commander , police , army , goals , exercise , trainer , force,                                                             letters a , l , c, ch  )

Taurus -  venus -           ( land - female - bullheaded , charming , fame , letter v , ai  )

Gemini - mercury         ( air , dual nature , communication , short travel , letter k , go )

cancer -  the moon             ( feminine , deeply emotional, deep water , soft )

Leo -        the sun                ( fire , regal , loyal , freedom , royal throne )

Virgo -   mercury          ( virgin female, medicine in hand , healer , the analysis in depth , nutrition )

libra -     venus             ( air ,

Scorpio -  mars             ( hidden , deep dark, intuition , 8 the house mine )

Sagittarius - up            ( bow and arrow , fire , education, moving forward

Capricorn -  sat              ( earth , materialism , dark

Aquarius -  saturn         ( air , freedom

Pisces -  Jupiter            ( water , emotions , manifestation , nirvana , other worlds )


12 Zodiac signs from Aries to Pisces are microscopically divided into 27 small units of ( 3 degrees 27 minutes ) for further precision

now 7 planets are placed in a house , in a sign and in a nakshatra and hence the result of 9 planets will be in accordance with the placement of these planets in the 27 nakshatras.

like zodiac signs 27 nakshatras are ruled by one of the 7+2= 9 planets from Ketu to mercury






so a particular planet will give results of
1.the house it's placed in
2.the zodiac it's placed in
3.the nakshatra it's placed in
4.the other planets in conjunction with given planet and other planets aspect ( looking and passing own rays )
5. motion of the planet straight or retrograde

planet ( planet characteristics ) >> planet degree >> inside house number ( every house has characteristics ) >> inside zodiac sign  >>  inside nakshatra  >> nakshatra lord

the final result of a planet depends on above equation plus free will and karma's and blessings

free will is a god gift to mankind represented by the 11th house and further planets in the 11th house and personal determination and individuals personality and influences on his or her mind and their soul and soul choices.

love, light blessings !!

Astrology introduction

astrology & gems

astrology is a permutation and combination of 7 major planets and two nodes of moon , 3 more additional recently discovered planets and 12 signs of the zodiac and 27 constellations also known as nakshatra's and we can further go inside sub lords

7 major planets

all these above planets rotate in the sky in various rotatory motions and these planets have specific rays and colours and metals which are affected by motion of these planets

Now the most interesting part is how these planets affect human life ?

Thats what most interesting to me and thats when i started learning about astrology.


through complete date of birth ( dd/mm/yy ) time and place of birth a chart can be constructed which is then can be used as a life path road map for making predictions.

may god bless all !!
love n light !!

Astrology Change ur life or understand your own life more in depth

Astrology is a tool to understand your road map of life in detail it is not a superstition it's a science of planets start and zodiac signs

Astrology can be used to understand the time of auspicious events or inauspicious events.

I would like to discuss little 12 houses in astrology chart of an individual

1st house is you, yourself physical appearance , personality type

2nd house is speech, communication , food habits , income , family etc

3rd house is short distance travel, younger siblings, temporary hurdles,EFFORTS

4th house mother , property , home happiness , education

5th house predictions , creativity , romance , children , share market , risk

6th house enemies , disease , stomach related issues , efforts , borrowings

7th house business partner , life partner , abroad travel ( exceptional cases ) looks n features of spouse

8th house occults science , in-laws , ancestor property , deep research , physical relationships , meditation , 3rd eye , kundalini , healing

9th house higher education , masters , long distance travel , 3rd child ,

10th house status in society , government , education or career , father

11th house  Free will ( we can use it in any direction of interest ) elder brother , social network, gains , income

12th house  abroad, foreign lands, Jail , Imprisonment, asylums , expenses , Fines.

I discussed all houses to explain free will , even though a lot of destiny events are pre-decided still god has gifted all human beings with  free will and it can be exercised in good or bad ways as per our personal choice.

since death is an eternal truth of life and this life is given as a gift and as an indirect test for improving our own potentials.